Étiquette : Tony

10 Best Tony Soprano Quotes From ‘The Sopranos’

10 Best Tony Soprano Quotes From ‘The Sopranos’

HBO’s signature series, The Sopranos, is considered to be one of the greatest television shows of all time and, even though it ended over two decades ago, the series continues to recruit new fans around the world every day. James Gandolfini stars in his breakthrough role as everyone’s favorite New […]

Boulder International.  Film Fest : Tony Goldwyn prêt à remporter un Career Achievement Award, enregistrement en direct du podcast « Awards Chatter » de THR

Boulder International. Film Fest : Tony Goldwyn prêt à remporter un Career Achievement Award, enregistrement en direct du podcast « Awards Chatter » de THR

Tony Goldwynl'acteur et cinéaste bien-aimé qui est peut-être mieux connu pour avoir joué dans le film Fantôme et la série télévisée Scandalerecevra vendredi le Career Achievement Award du Boulder International Film Festival à Boulder, Colorado, Le journaliste hollywoodien peut exclusivement signaler. Toute la soirée, qui donne le coup d'envoi de […]

All 20 Tony Scott Movies, Ranked

All 20 Tony Scott Movies, Ranked

Tony Scott was one of those directors where, even if his name wasn’t explicitly attached to a film’s credits, you’d still be able to tell one of his films was indeed his. Scott’s style is distinctive and instantly recognizable in the majority of movies he made throughout his 40+ years […]